Stoyan Fartunov balletist
Stoyan Fartunov is a prime minister-ballet dancer. Graduated from NUMSI "Prof. Pancho Vladigerov ”with a degree in classical ballet and acquired III qualification degree. He studied ballet pedagogy at AMTII - Plovdiv. He started working as a ballet dancer at the State Opera - Burgas at the end of 2009, and in 2013 he became prime minister-soloist. Soloist-ballet dancer of the State Opera - Ruse. Winner of the first prize at the International Festival of Arts "Joy on the Shore" - Burgas, Second Prize at the International Competition "Sicillia Barocca" - Italy, participates in the final round of group "B" - junior of the National Ballet Competition "Anastas Petrov" - Sofia-Dobrich for 2008 and 2010. He has toured on stages in Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and others.