09 november 2022 "Piff, Puff, Poof" Delighted Children From "Zvezdica Zornitsa"

THE THREE PIGLETS "PIP, PAF, POOF" today in the hall of the Burgas State Opera once again proved that the art, intended and presented with great love to the youngest viewers, is an invariable part of their upbringing and spiritual growth.
Once again, hundreds of children, graduates of the "Zvezditsa Zornitsa" Kindergarten in the Burgas residential complex "Zornitsa", with the director Mrs. Sofia Dimitrova, followed the adventures of the three pig brothers Piff, Puff, Puff, Kumcho Valcho, Patoka Pataran, told by the moderators of the tale Milko and Ilko.
The children's spontaneous reactions, their participation in communicating with the artists during the performance, the stormy applause, as well as their desire to take pictures with their favorite fairy-tale characters, were the best attestation of the quality of the performance and its emotional charge.
Hundreds of children from classes I and II of the Burgas educational institutions "Knyaz Boris I" and SU "Dobri Chintulov" today followed the exciting adventures of the three pig brothers "Piff, Puff, Poof" in the hall of the Burgas State Opera.
The artists were delighted by an emotional and empathetic audience to the presented fairy-tale story, and for the young viewers, the show will certainly leave lasting positive memories - both in terms of mood, in the color of the performance, and as a lesson presented in an entertaining way.