31 may 2022 Great Performance And Impactful messages in "Pagliacci"
There are moments when art proves that in addition to bringing aesthetic pleasure, it also evokes an emotional waterfall of diverse sensations, perceptions, messages, initiation into mysteries, excites, and ennobles. Such a special period of time was the performance of PALYACHI tonight in the hall of the Burgas State Opera. Betrayed by the spirit of true mastery and class of the performance, turned into another musical event on the Burgas stage, maestro Ivan Kozhuharov Ivan Kozhuharov built a powerful performance of the dramatic opera in two acts by Ruggiero Leoncavallo, directed by Prof. Pavel Gerdjikov. Theater in the theater, behind-the-scenes life, hidden human passions stronger than conventional norms, jealousy, cruel revelations, the intertwining of art with real life, a dramatic outcome with a tragic ending - all merged in a symbiosis of beautiful music, emotional lyrics, and great performance. The soprano Nona Krastnikova - as the coquette Neda / in the play by the traveling troupe of artists - Colombina /, who, seeking her happiness in the freedom of heart choice, finds her fatal end, was again like an energy charge on stage - with a strong presence, artistry and a wonderfully mastered voice conveying emotional states. The tenor Daniel Damyanov - in the roles of Canio and the Clown, proved his class again - in the masterful interpretation and deep psychology. Canio's famous Arioso (Vesti la giubba), which reflects the pain and fierce internal struggles of a deceived and betrayed soul, was greeted with a standing ovation from the audience. Traditionally stable and conveying the drama of his image was the baritone Alexander Krunev - like Tonio, moved the audience with the iconic Prologue, in which he tells about the fate of clowns, also sad, as well as the ridiculous suitor of Columbine Tadeo. Valeri Turmanov Valeri Turmanov, baritone, gave style and emotional completeness to the image of Silvio, who sincerely loves Neda and this passion cost him his life. Tenor Yani Nikolov - like Beppe and Harlequin, with his wonderful cantilena singing, was also a worthy part of the puzzle of the beautifully told story of love, betrayal, burning jealousy, and revenge. Congratulations to the choir with conductor Nevena Mihaylova, who was an important actor in the overall dramatic picture. The best attestation of professionally done work by the orchestra, with concertmaster Hristo Belchev, was the applause after the Intermezzo in the second act of the opera - such spontaneous reactions are not common after orchestral performances in an opera title. Congratulations to the whole team "behind the scenes" - assistant director Lina Peeva, as well as specialists from technical services. It was exciting tonight - for the audience, for the performers, and for the conductor. And Leoncavallo's score proved once again that it is a masterpiece. Those present, including the winner of the 4th season of X Factor and soloist of the Musical Theater Christiana Loizou, as well as other young people, proved it with long applause. At the end of the successful spectacle, the traditional flower basket was presented on behalf of Mayor Dimitar Nikolov.
Photos: State Opera - Burgas