19 february 2024 Joy For Students From SU "K. Preslavski" With "Max and Moritz"

Hundreds of children from the 1st and 4th grades of "Konstantin Preslavski" Secondary School - Burgas visited the Burgas Opera Hall in the early afternoon to have fun with the characters of the children's opera by Alexander Yosifov "Max and Moritz".
Inquisitive, emotional and at the same time - well-mannered audience were the students in the Opera hall today, they reacted with laughter and remarks to the characters on the stage - in important moments for the action, but the rest of the time they were quiet and followed carefully the thread of what was happening.
After the performance, they lined up across the stage for a photo with the artists who presented their favorite fairy-tale characters.
And all the actors, who have played the production dozens of times, this time also presented with mood and funny moments of improvisation the cheerful plot, which appeals to both young and old.