19 october 2020 Mincho Minchev And Lyudmil Angelov With a Memorable Concert
The Burgas audience had the privilege to experience a world-class concert on Sunday evening, October 18 at the Opera Hall. The two famous musicians who played on the most prestigious world stages - the violinist Mincho Minchev and the pianist Lyudmil Angelov, sculpted the chamber program, selected with taste and in accordance with the nature of both world musicians, with interpretive mastery commensurate with the parameters. For the first time, the two world-famous instrumentalists perform together in a similar concert form. As shared by the great Bulgarian musician, who has the honor, privilege and invaluable for every truly dedicated violinist to sculpt aesthetic beauty through his "Stradivarius", touching the genius of luthiery Anthony Stradivari from Cremona, Italy, before BNR - Burgas, the recital is with a charitable purpose, he and Lyudmil Angelov will donate their fees from the five planned concert events of the national tour of the Pancho Vladigerov Foundation, which organizes the International Competition for Pianists and Violinists in the name of the contemporary classic of Bulgarian music. The day before the concert in Burgas, the two musicians gave a recital with the same program in Varna, which is the hometown of Lyudmil Angelov.
Before the concert, which was undoubtedly one of the most significant events in the cultural life of Burgas for this year, the great Bulgarian violinist Prof. Mincho Minchev received the highest award - "The key to the tower of Burgas", from Mayor Dimitar Nikolov, who congratulated the famous a musician with a worldwide career - both as an instrumentalist and as a teacher, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
"To touch the big names on the world stage, and in Burgas, is a great privilege!
Tonight I had the honor to present the award "The Key from the Tower of Burgas" to Prof. Mincho Minchev on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
His support for the young talents through the master classes, which I hope he will continue to do in Burgas, is invaluable. I thank him for the warm attitude towards Burgas and I hope that many more times we will greet him with applause on the Burgas stage, "the mayor wrote after the concert on his official Facebook page.
The two virtuosos had chosen a sophisticated program that included works from both pre classicism and the Classicist era: Tomaso Vitali's Shaccone in G Minor, whose messages of contemplative tenderness were brilliantly recreated by the two instrumentalists, Sonata №5 in F major, opus 24. "Spring" by Beethoven, gushing with life-affirming charm, although containing the characteristic for the genius of the Viennese classic inner drama and dynamics / the choice is undoubtedly subordinated to this year's world celebrations of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven / Alfred Schnittke, a more unpopular but extremely beautiful composition, and the Sonata in A major by Caesar Frank - multi-layered, philosophically profound, shaking, carrying the power of an inner storm, expressed through a bow, strings and keys. Another prominent pianist, Rada Chomakova, played an unusual role in the musical evening. ". As a skilled connoisseur of the works, she was in the role of unfolding the piano sheets of Ludmil Angelov. With this original stage version, she proved that there is interchangeability in the art of music, as well as collegiality and professionalism in every function that is needed at the moment.
A wonderful musical evening, brilliant performers, an intelligent audience that filled the permissible capacity of the hall and responded emotionally to the exciting messages conveyed through the universal language of art!
At the end of the music festival flowers were presented on behalf of the Mayor of Burgas Mr. Dimitar Nikolov, the Chairman of the Municipal Council - Prof. Sevdalina Turmanova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Tekeliev, Director of the State Opera - Burgas, and the Bulgarian National Radio .
Photos: State Opera - Burgas