The Nutcracker Ballet - an extravaganza in two acts by P.I.Tchaikovsky's music
Libretto - Vsevolozhsky-Petipa
According to the story of Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"
Edited by Prof. Hikmet Mehmedov
Choreography and Directing by Prof. Hikmet MEHMEDOV
Set design and costumes RADOSTIN CHOMAKOV
Hazelnut grinder
Drosselmeyer, a master of toys
The Black Queen -
Masha's parents
Masha's friends
Spanish dance
Eastern dance
Chinese dance
Pink waltz
Pink waltz (ensemble)
Winter picture. Kids play and make a snowman. And at Masha's home, they complete the holiday Christmas decoration and welcome the first guests. The Christmas tree shines in its full beauty and the children rush in astonished, happy at the gifts arranged under it.
Masha and Fedya dance around the tree and play with the dolls. All guests admire the beautiful Christmas tree and dance around it.
Masha looks for guests Drosselmeyer, who always crafts interesting and surprising gifts. Children show the guests the dances of their favorite dolls Gretchen and the negro.
Drosselmeier arrives with his helpers, who bring in dolls and toys specially made for Christmas night. Dressed in his magical dressing gown, Drosselmeier rotated a kaleidoscope to dance to distant and exotic peoples.
What comes as the biggest surprise of all - Drosselmeier's new invention - a slender soldier who breaks nuts and almonds - the Nutcracker. The toy is extremely appealing to children, but, overwhelmed by too many “tasks” by Fritz, it eventually breaks down.
The sad Masha, for whom the Hazelnut has already become a favorite toy, asks Drosselmeyer to correct it.
By the end of the holiday night everyone is dancing and having fun. Later, the salon in Masha's home is empty. Only Masha stops dancing with her young gentleman - the Nutcracker until she finally falls asleep tired and happy in one chair.
Dark forces are coming to her, who want to steal her doll. But the Black Queen has a terrible power - she defeats Masha and the toys and captures the Nutcracker.
Masha bitterly begs the good magician Drosselmeier for help, and the two are carried into the realm of the dark powers. Everything is ice-rigged here, but with its magic wand Drosselmeier manages to banish black magic.
The hazelnut mill turns into a beautiful prince.
Masha and the prince fall in love with each other. The moon - the boat takes them to the beautiful realm of flowers.
Everyone is happy and joyful there. However, the night is not clear. Masha wakes up to get back to reality and hug her favorite doll - the NUTCRACKER.