The Gypsy Baron Operetta in three acts by Johann Strauss II
Operetta in three acts by Johann Strauss II
Libretto Ignac Schnitzer
On the Sophie short story by Mor Yokoi
Conductor "- YULY DAMYANOV
Set design by Ivan Tokadzhiev
Choir Conductor - NEVENA MIHAILOVA
Concertmaster - YORDAN KOVACHEV
Assistant Director - DARINA GLAVANAKOVA
Sandor Barinkai, an estranged landowner
Earl Carnero, Imperial Commissioner
Koloman Zupan, a wealthy pig trader
Arsena, his daughter
Mirabella, the governess of Arsen
Otokar, her son
Chipra, a gypsy fortune teller
Sophie, her daughter
Earl Peter Homonay, leader of the Hussars
Venue: Hungary; time of action: end of the eighteenth century.
Content (by author)
First action
A village in Hungary. Swampy river valley behind the ruined castle of the Barinkai clan. The young Otokar is searching in vain for treasure which, according to the old belief, was hidden in these places. Gypsy fortune-teller Chipra laughs at him. Two boats are approaching - the first is Sandor, the heir to the impoverished Barinkai, and the second, the Imperial Commissioner, Earl Carnero. Barinkai tells the gathered peasants, gypsies and soldiers about his travels around the world. From Carnero he learns that the wealthy pig trader Coloman Zupan has put a hand on the larger part of his property. Chipra predicts to Barinkay that on the day of his wedding with his beloved girl, the young man will find the hidden family treasure. Coloman Zupan himself appears and proposes to Barinkay to settle his property dispute by giving his hand to his daughter Arsen. The father goes to look for her, and at that time, her governess Mirabella appears. In Carnero's face, she recognizes her husband, who abandoned her ten years ago, and calls her son Otocar. Arsena is coming. The capricious, spoiled, and vain mistress states that she will only become Sandor's wife if he succeeds in obtaining the title of "Baron." Everyone goes away. The angry Barinkai is left alone. He is approached by Safi, Chipra's daughter, who is to accompany the young man to the ruins of the family castle. Along the way, Sandor witnesses a love scene between Arsen and Otocar. Barinkai, again outraged with fury, decides to take revenge at all costs. In a short while, Gypsies from around the area appear and proclaim him their leader - or "Gypsy Baron". As a challenge to Coloman, Zhupan Barinkay ridiculed her daughter of the "pig prince" and publicly announces her engagement to Gypsy Safi.
Second action
In the gypsy camp. On a beautiful summer night, the two lovers - Barinkai and Sophie - tremblingly reveal tender feelings that were burning between them. Chipra points out to them, among the ruins of the castle, the place where Sandor discovers the hidden possessions… The loneliness of the young lovers is disturbed by the sudden appearance of Carnero, Mirabela and Jupan. Their kind of "moral committee" accuses the young couple of violating moral standards. Enraged Chipra pulls out a document stating that Safi is not a gypsy, but the legal daughter of the last Turkish grazer to have resided in Hungary during the Ottoman invasion of these lands. Sandor is broken with despair: it turns out that Sophie is of noble descent, while he himself is just an aristocrat with no title. The young man decides to enlist in the Hussars regiment, which has just arrived here to recruit new soldiers.
Third action
Vienna. The troops are triumphantly returning from their last victorious march. All Viennese greet them with enthusiasm. Imperial commissioner Earl Carnero reports that Sandor Barinkai fought like a real lion and received the title of baron personally from the emperor. Finally, the supremely happy Gypsy Baron embraces his beloved ...