30 august 2021 An Exquisite Concert Presented The Art Of The Baroque Era

Exquisite musical expression, filigree performance - both vocal and piano, synchronized - as a visualization of the era and a high aesthetic level of perception, multimedia, stylish overall look and suggestion of the concert "Journey In Time" tonight at the Expo Center "Flora" - Burgas.

The baroque concert program was presented - with the expected high level, mental and sensory depth of interpretation, sopranos Maria Tsvetkova-Madzharova and Nona Krasnikova, combining their beautiful timbres and vocal mastery with brilliant music, fully in sync with the technique of tone extraction and character extraction. for the Baroque era, pianist Iliana Todorova. The piano accompaniment during almost all works, with the exception of the work by Gluck, which is considered the founder of the opera in its modern form, sounded with a harpsichord timbre, fully consistent with baroque music.
Artist of the project, author of the multimedia presentation, and inspirer of the completed vision of "Journey In Time" Diana Avelova - a young author who studies fine arts in Paris, this time attends the concert and empathizes with every detail in which she invested sense, thought, talent and sense and understanding of Baroque philosophy. At the premiere of the project in May this year, in the Opera Hall, she was only mentally with the performers and the audience. At the first piano, concert was Mira Iskarova, who was also completely merged with the ideological and aesthetic line of the concert.
Different - as an exterior, but the same - as an artistic and emotional charge, was the second concert event, united under the title "Time Travel". Stylish, with exceptional responsibility and dedication to the process of self-absorption, and at the same time - with an emotional bridge with the audience - among which there were representatives of other nationalities, were the three wonderful performers who skillfully presented the program and philosophical guidelines of the era bilingually. Bulgarian, and in English.
The beautiful basket of flowers on behalf of the Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov was an aesthetic addition to the stage during the concert.

In "Time Travel" sounded:

"Vedro con mio diletto" / "I will see my beloved" / - from the opera "Il Giustino" by Antonio Vivaldi;
"Pur ti miro" / "I'm just watching you" / - a duet from the opera "The Coronation of Pope" by Claudio Monteverdi;
"When I am laid" - from the opera "Dido and Aeneas" by Henry Purcell;
"Two daughters" - a duet by Henry Purcell;
"Lascia ch’io pianga" / "Let me cry" / - aria from the opera "Rinaldo" by G. Fr. Handel;
"Sposa son disprezatta" / "Wife I am disgraced" / - from the opera "Bayadget" by Vivaldi;
"Pena Tirana" - from the opera "Amadigi of Gaul" by G. Fr. Handel;
"Crying" - an aria by Cleopatra from the opera "Julius Caesar" by Handel;
"I was born to suffer" from Handel's opera Julius Caesar;
"If you don't feel mercy for me" - from the opera "Julius Caesar" by Handel;
"What a terrible moment" - from the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" by Gluck;
"I have never been a shadow" - from the opera "Xerxes" by Handel;
"Goodbye" - from the opera "Theseus" by Handel.